Dorothy & Max Rutledge Garden

The Dorothy and Max Rutledge Conifer Garden is a classic dry garden featuring xeric, subalpine and steppe perennials, shrubs and an assemblage of unusual conifers. Born from the design tradition begun by legendary British garden designer Beth Chatto, the gravel garden is the jewel box of the property; the densest and most richly planted with over 250 species from around the globe.

Visitors will encounter everything from native Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Standing Ovation’ (Standing Ovation little bluestem) to rare Eurasian meadow plants (like Corydalis schanginii and Gentiana acaulis), chains of wisteria flowers (Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’) hanging from the adjacent pergola, hardy cacti (Opuntia and Escobaria), dramatic conifers (like Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Green Arrow’) and oddities like Hamamelis vernalis ‘Quasimodo’ (Quasimodo dwarf witchhazel). Sited with year-round views from the DuPont Room, the Dorothy and Max Rutledge Conifer Garden is a signature horticultural experience.

The conifer and gravel garden is given in honor of Dorothy and Max Rutledge through the generosity of Buz and Sue Brenton.

The Gallery

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