Agave ovatifolia: Death Bloom

Agave ovatifolia: Death Bloom

It’s the beginning of the end for a well-known succulent at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden, but before the plant dies it is going to go out with a bloom instead of a bang. The Agave ovatifolia, also known as a frosty blue succulent, is a sight to see....
Des Moss Skyline

Des Moss Skyline

View the Des Moss Skyline at the Botanical Garden Last winter, the holiday train made its last tour of the season through the east end of the Gardeners Show House. Comfortable seating and the familiar journaling seat have returned, in addition to a brand-new art...
Frond Farewell

Frond Farewell

Filmed and edited by Brent Roske p.g.a. of Frond Farewell to the Cuban royal palm After spending more than a decade in the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden’s collection, the Roystonea regia (Roy-STOH-nee-uh REE-jee-uh), also known as a Cuban royal palm,...
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