Work from Dome

Work from Dome

What’s better than working from a tropical oasis? Work from DOME at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden and enjoy warmth, beautiful views, and complimentary Wi-Fi! Check out five things to do while working from DOME: Eat lunch at Flora Café. Enjoy a seasonal menu...
Flowers We Eat

Flowers We Eat

Have you ever eaten a flower? If you’ve ever eaten broccoli or cauliflower, you have eaten a flower. These yummy vegetables are not the only edible flowers though. Whether tossed in a salad or garnishing a cake, learn about a few edible flowers you might find in...
Winter and Spring Pruning

Winter and Spring Pruning

What and When to Prune When the snow flies, many gardeners put away their tools and take a few months off from the garden. Some pruning, though, is a good idea to do before the ground thaws. Since fallen leaves leave the architecture of trees highly visible, late...
CatchDSM's 5 things to try this winter
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